
MeetjeStad graphs

MeetjeStad radio graphs

Top radio gateways used by MeetjeStad stations in Tilburg

Radio gateway reception ranking for MeetjeStad transmissions over the last 4 days:

rank gateway_id gateway name # pct alias for
1 aa555a0000088184 Tilburg-Spoorlaan-dak 10838 23%  
2 aa555a0000100023 Tilburg-Mozartflat 10282 21%  
3 aa555a0000088183 Tilburg-Spoorlaan 10138 21%  
4 aa555a0000100024 TV-toren-Loon-op-Zand 8725 18%  
5 ttn-tilburg-noord ttn-tilburg-noord 4570 10%  
6 ttn-tilburg-reeshof-5045 ttn-tilburg-reeshof-5045 1042 2%  
7 the-things-indoor-gateway-koenn the-things-indoor-gateway-koenn 1000 2%  
8 eui-58a0cbfffe802856 Tilburg-Capucijnerstraat 809 2%  
9 sb-projects sb-projects 578 1%  

gateway_idradio gateway id as known in The Things Network
pb-packet broker, gathers measurements from radio gateways
#number of transmissions received by radio gateways, including duplicates
alias forpacket broker forwarding traffic from radio gateways

Measurements per gateway per hour

Data:   Raw   Calculated   Plot   
