
MeetjeStad graphs

MeetjeStad radio details

Station PSR histogram

This page shows a histogram of the PSR (*) of the stations, grouped by PSR.

 PSR (*) # of
 % of
 90 - 100 %   76   59 %   688194114121132176190229230418427434470562567569575581590600648649650651,
 80 - 90 %   15   12 %   555687731789840866893930943100110031045201720202116
 70 - 80 %   8   6 %   1592604986026057777912165
 60 - 70 %   3   2 %   9449512137
 50 - 60 %   6   5 %   2587457908328821098
 40 - 50 %   5   4 %   261773841873909
 30 - 40 %   4   3 %   386724876955
 20 - 30 %   4   3 %   6047217761113
 10 - 20 %   4   3 %   671719744834
 0 - 10 %   3   2 %   87210461122

(*) PSR = packet success rate = the percentage of the measurements transmitted by a station that are received at the MeetjeStad website.

This exports is refreshed daily.
You can view and download the data file as tsv(*).
(*) tsv = tab separated value
